Due to the above limitations Additional jars should normally be placed in the lib directory. For example to establish the connectivity with Websphere MQ queues, All MQ jars (websphereMQ installationpath\java\lib) have to be copied to Jmeter lib directory.
Testing And Troubleshooting Message Flows With Websphere
For Asynchronous flows to capture the Performance metrics is challenging when compared to synchronous flows. To complete the life cycle of a message sometimes asynchronous application may involve multiple message flows. So, to gather performance metrics becomes challenging. To achieve this we use SupportPac IS03(Message Flow Statistics Visualiser) along with Jmeter .IS03 SupportPac which relies on the accounting and statistics facility of Message broker has capabilities to see the real time and historic statistics data in tables, along with the capability to export all recorded data to CSV to enable custom user processing. Before we further proceed towards the testplan for performing the performance test we need to configure the Jmeter and Message Flow Statistics Visualiser with Message Broker.
Click the curved yellow arrow again, and notice that the canvas now displays the top of your message flow, with a red dotted-line around the APIkit Router, one of the scaffolding items added during import. The router handles the error.
This is because when using Flow designer, ServiceNow core Java code checks if REST messages are being sent from within the same Java thread as the flow.If so then Integration Hub plugin should be installed (which costs money) otherwise the REST call would be blocked. This is all hard-coded logic in ServiceNow platform.
If you want to try Event Streams, use one of the development samples when configuring your instance. Installing with these settings is suitable for a starter deployment intended for testing purposes and trying out Event Streams. It is not suitable for production environments. For samples appropriate for production use, see production deployments
Overview: A non-production deployment for experimenting with Event Streams configured for high availability, authentication, and no persistent storage. Suitable for basic development and testing activities.
The replication factor controls how many replicas there are, and the minimum in-sync configuration controls how many of the replicas need to be in-sync for applications to produce and consume messages with no loss of function. For example, a typical configuration has a replication factor of 3 and minimum in-sync replicas set to 2. This configuration can tolerate 1 out-of-sync replica, or 1 worker node or broker outage with no loss of function, and 2 out-of-sync replicas, or 2 worker node or broker outages with loss of function but no loss of data. 2ff7e9595c