Ambika is an Indian film and television actress known for her works predominantly in Tamil, Malayalam, Kannada films and serials. She also did a few Telugu and English films. She was one of the top south Indian heroines for a decade from 1978 to 1989. Her younger sister Radha was also an actress. They acted together in a number of south Indian films and during the peak of their careers.
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Ambika is an Indian film and television actress known for her works predominantly in Tamil, Malayalam, Kannada films and serials. She also did a few Telugu and English films. She was one of the top south Indian heroines for more than a decade from 1978 to 1989. Her younger sister Radha was also an actress. They acted together in a number of south Indian films during the peak of their careers.
Ambika is an Indian actress known for her works predominantly across the entire the southern film industry films and in several teleserials. She also did one English film (an Indo-American one), to date. She was one of the top south Indian heroines for more than a decade from 1978 to 1989. Her younger sister Radha was also an actress. They acted together in a number of south Indian films during the peak of their careers. 2ff7e9595c